Operation Blessing: December 2019

A Big Thank You to all who donated food to Operation Blessing for their Thanksgiving Baskets. According to Tammy Joslyn, the Executive Director, our donations weighed in at about 1500 pounds. OB prepared about 350 Baskets for those in need. It was amazing to see the different organizations who were dropping off food to go into the baskets. Many people from workplaces were assisting during the drop off process. It was heartwarming to see so many people come together so that all were able to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal. Our congregation has either been preparing baskets or has been donating to other organizations for them to distribute for many years and I think that this year you really all donated to make it the best year ever. Thank you again for your generosity.

Toys for Tots. Although we only had a short window of time between collecting food and toys, you all did a great job in making a Merry Christmas for many children. Last Sunday we dropped off about 115 gifts and 3 gift cards to the Fox Run Mall collection site. Thank you so much for your help.