November 2022: Crunch Time

The Social Ministry Team has entered the busiest “crunch time” of the year. During October we heard from speakers representing four of the local ministries that HTELC financially supports. The month ended with an off-site group activity, preparing the Operation Blessing Warming Station for cold weather use. In just one hour ten volunteers vacuumed, cleaned, set up beds and repaired Covid-required plexiglass barriers, in preparation for when the nighttime temperatures drop below 20F.

HTELC donated generously to Operation Blessing’s Thanksgiving Basket. The final tally amounted to 197 pounds of food items in addition to the gift cards to Hannaford’s and Market Basket. The Mitten Tree was heavily decorated in the Narthex. 157 items were collected and will be distributed this week.

Toys for Tots is in full swing. Toys will be collected Sunday for delivery to the USMC.

With the resumption of in-person dining, Dover Friendly Kitchen continues to serve our neighbors with a hot meal and fellowship. The SM Team would also like to thank those HTELC members who have chosen to continue their generous monetary donations. We will soon be announcing which ministries will be receiving additional disbursements from our church.

Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Social Ministry Team,

Jessica Feeley