Social Ministry Fund Drive

The Church Council made a very difficult decision to cut the budget in all areas possible by 25% in order to present a balanced budget to the congregation to approve for 2020. The proposed budget was approved.

The goal of the Fund Drive was to replace the 25% cut from last year’s budget and also raise another 15% for a total increase of 40%. This was done to meet the unprecedented increase in needs of charities due to Covid-19.

It gives me great joy to inform the congregation that as of 7/13/20, the Fund Drive has met and exceeded its goal! The drive has raised $16,940 which increases the Social Ministry budget by 51%! This year Social Ministry will send out $50,290! The Social Ministry funds normally go out periodically during the year since the funds are received from you in that fashion. The bulk of the funds raised in this drive have already gone out and the remainder will go out shortly.

None of us knows how Covid-19 will play out going forward. We do not know when the increased needs of charities will go back to “normal” levels. We do know charities will always have a need. The Social Ministry team is, at any time, happy to receive your contributions and continue the work of the church. No amount is too small. You may designate a specific mission or give to our Social Ministry Fund in general. Either way your money will be distributed in a timely manner.

I am truly humbled by your generosity and honored to serve on the Council of Holy Trinity.

Sincerely thank you,

Paul Karl, Council Liaison to Social Ministry