November 2019: Preparing for Winter

It seems to me to have been a strange Fall season this year. Typically, I feel we have things reasonably under control as Winter approaches, but this year it seems to me that we are in more of a survival mode as we get closer and closer to snow and cold. The basics are under control ... the snow removal contract has been signed, the snow blower has been test started and is running well, snow shovels and salt buckets have taken out of storage and staged at various doors, air conditioners were removed and stored, hoses have been put away, parking lot maintenance has been done ... but still I worry about tasks yet to be done. There is still routine outside work (grass, leaves, general autumn cleanup) before we can get our equipment winterized and stored, and additional things I wish we could do before winter. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate and we will get most of the outside work done before the change in seasons forces us inside.

The new Wiggle Room has been completed. The old Wiggle Room has been painted and is ready to be furnished for its new role as a conference room. Many thanks are due to all the folks who helped in various ways to complete the work in these two rooms.

I know I do not adequately characterize or document all the routine cleaning work done inside by a very small number of Property Team volunteers. That said, I know and appreciate what they do week in and week out, and I am going to offer them a chance to take up the pen for a future Tidings report and tell you what they are doing. It is a story that needs telling, and they can tell it best.

This month we will bring in an aerial lift to do the work in the high overhead area of the Sanctuary. We plan to change several burned out bulbs in the ceiling area, repair several issues with monofilament lines used for mobiles and banners, and install new hanging microphones above the choir area. Mike Cresta has generously agreed to provide and operate the lift for this work at no cost. Thank you, Mike!