December 2018: Inside, outside ... mostly inside!

Another month has come and gone! Wow! Suddenly, cold weather has arrived. Our snow removal contractor has already made a couple of visits to plow the driveways and lots and to clear our walks and emergency exit paths. We have put our snowblower to early use to clear some areas around our storage shed and trash bins.

It has been an unusual fall season. With the colder weather closing in, we were able to complete work to clean up the outside flower gardens to prepare them for winter, and we completed repairs to our trash bins. We may yet have the occasional warmer days to work outside, but most outside work will have to wait for spring. Our primary emphasis has moved inside. I refer you to last month's blog for a more detailed description of the various tasks that the Property Team works on, week in and week out.

Other recent work included the repair of one of the wall lighting fixtures in the Sanctuary. The fixture was taken off the wall, disassembled, an internal part (ballast) replaced, and the unit put back in service. We are also planning to install a switch loop and dimmer function for the recently installed track lights on the right side of the Sanctuary, near the musicians. This change will allow us to turn off and/or dim these bright lights when there is a need while keeping the normal wall lighting units in service.

Our emphasis in December will focus on getting the various seasonal decorations out of storage and installed. In some cases, the Property Team has the lead for this work, and in other cases, we assist other teams to get the job done. As the seasons change, we will also be involved in taking the decorations down and putting them back in storage.

December will also see a seasonal transition in Property Team leadership as Martha and I complete our preparations for our winter trip to Florida for the January to mid-April period.

Dave Mercer, Property Team Leader