January 4, 2023: Baptism of Our Lord

Today, we celebrate the "Feast of the Baptism of our Lord," which always occurs on the first Sunday after the Epiphany. This year our gospel text for this day comes from the evangelist Mark, who begins his gospel, not with the nativity scene, but rather with an account of Jesus being baptized in the River Jordan by John the Baptist. With great drama, Mark tells us that, as Jesus was coming up out of the water, "he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending like a dove on him. And a voice came from heaven, 'You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.'" Mark 1:10-11.

We are a church whose life is centered in this Beloved Son of God, Jesus Christ. And just as Jesus was baptized, we are too. And, as we emerge from the baptismal waters, we are empowered and invited by the Holy Spirit to share in Christ's life and in his transforming work to heal our broken world. Our baptism is thus not a "one and done" event, but rather sets us out on a lifelong journey with Christ and His Church. Living our baptismal covenant means growing in our faith together and supporting one another in practices of discipleship.

For centuries, the Church has set aside this particular "feast day" for baptisms, confirmations, and for welcoming new members to the Church. And so, this Sunday we are overjoyed to baptize Lenora June Larson and VJ Strehl, to confirm Adrianna Grace Marcus, and to welcome sixteen new members to the congregation, whose names are listed below.

Let us praise God for the gift of each of these brothers and sisters in Christ and offer thanks for this great sign of vitality and new life in our Church!

New Members: Chris Dunn, Linnea Richardson, Rani Marcus, Scott Marcus, Lena Olsson, Sue Kelsch, Kem Taylor, Judy Yovichich, Eileen Kackenmeister, Carl Kackenmeister, VJ Strehl, Craig Strehl, April Murphy, Meredith Goodwin, Pamela Brouker, & Julie Anderson.
Confirmation: Adrianna Grace Marcus.
Baptized into Christ: VJ Strehl & Lenora June Larson.