June 2019 Council Minutes

Holy Trinity Council Meeting Minutes June 11, 2019 We Gather In God’s Name

Present: Dave Smith, Paul Karl, Joan Bauer, Julie Moore, Tim Krick, Linda Edwards, Krissy Birthisel, and Cristina Dolcino.

Opening Prayer

  1. Blessings
  2. Thank You Cards
  3. Devotions – Julie
  4. Meeting minutes approval o May 14, 2019 minutes approved online

We Celebrate and Give Thanks for the Past

  1. Investment Group a. Investment Policy Statement draft presented and discussed. b. Motion/Seconded/Approved to adopt the Investment Policy, to be implemented by the Treasurer along with two other congregation members to be chosen at a later date.
  2. In & Out Fund Report a. In/Out Fund Team will continue work streamlining the Funds, reaching out to individuals as needed for guidance on particular items.
  3. Treasurer Report a. See attached reports. b. Discussion of whether to approve bell cleaning/refurbishing. Altar guild has offered some of their budget for it, given that both areas fall under the umbrella of “worship”. c. Motion/Seconded/Approved that we accept the request of the donors to the altar guild fund that $2,000 of the funds in the altar guild In/Out funds be used as needed for refurbishing the bells.
  4. Secretary Report a. Property Team seeking volunteers. Also, property team has been working to clarify the document outlining the work for which Seacoast Cleaners is responsible. The team will discuss with Seacoast Cleaners and report back to council.
  5. Pastor’s Report a. See attached report.
  6. Ministry Reports
    b. Come Together – Joan i. No report. c. Grow in Faith – Julie i. Still some empty volunteer spots for VBS. d. Serve the Lord – Paul i. Coordinating rides for those who need them to church.
  7. Church’s “highway” sign update- Pastor a. Contacted two other companies for bids, but never heard back from one and the other was painfully slow to respond to all communications. Given that, it was decided to go with Portsmouth Sign Co.
  8. Reconciling in Christ process https://www.reconcilingworks.org/resources/ric/ A Committee of six met for the third time. The Pastor is not formally meeting with the group because it was recommended at the “Building an Inclusive Church” workshop that the Pastor should not be meeting with this committee. a. The committee continues to move through the “Building an Inclusive Church” booklet and recently talked about graceful engagement and one-on-one meetings. These meetings take place with various members (leaders and non-leaders) in the church to gather information about them as a person and their feelings about the church. If desired, couples could meet together. The one-one-one meetings are for listening and not for debate. The topics may include: what keeps you coming back to church?, where do you see HT going?, how could church be better?. If asked about the meeting’s purpose or if the topic of hospitality/RIC “comes up” then the RIC/“Building an Inclusive Church” process would be explained and if it’s something the church wants to pursue. Focus is not RIC at this stage, but to simply build relationships, gather information, listen, and see where the church is at. b. Committee will put an article in The Tidings and make an announcement in church so people have a heads up that one-on-one meetings will begin sometime in the future.

We Look to the Future

  1. VBS dates July 28-August 1 ... “Roar!”
  2. Motion/Seconded/Approved to accept with deep regrets the resignation of Nancy Johnson as Financial Secretary, with thanks.
  3. Motion/Seconded/Approved to appoint Dan Scammon as interim Financial Secretary.
  4. Little Free Pantry idea– similar to the Little Free Library but for groceries - Cristina http://www.littlefreepantry.org/ a. Given the amount of time and effort on a regular basis it would take to maintain, consensus was that the church would need a few people passionate about the project to adopt it in order to make it happen - not only to get it off the ground but to sustain it.
  5. Upcoming Calendar review (next two months) a. Council Meetings: July 9, August 13

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Guidance