
“Patricia” lived with her family, including her 4-year-old daughter Florencia, in Cameroon. Patricia and her husband worked and were active in their community, ministering to the poor through the work of their church congregation. The problem? They were publically and politically vocal when they saw things wrong with the government. One night, a neighbor arrived to tell Patricia that her husband, mother, and sister had all been murdered. Knowing she and her daughter’s lives were also under threat, she packed up and fled. After spending a year and a half a year in a refugee camp, she and her daughter were finally able to come to the United States. A cousin living in Pennsylvania helped get her connected to appropriate legal sources, and she obtained her work permit. Now as she awaits her asylum hearing, through the help of her cousin’s local church, she has a job and a place to live.

Thousands are in Patricia’s situation, thousands more even less secure. Claudine, for instance, is still in the process. We read stories like theirs and we ask ourselves, “What can I do?” Here’s a suggestion: Go to your church/synagogue/mosque denomination’s national website and type “immigration” in the search bar.

Below are some of the things you can find.

  • The United Church of Christ: You can become an active immigration “accompanier.”
  • The Roman Catholic Church: Their Immigrant Integration Project tutors immigrants in language, civil education, skills for job hunting, etc.
  • Evangelical Lutheran Church in America: Lutheran World Relief will distribute your handmade quilt, and the Lutheran Immigrant and Refugee Services will send your cards and letters to folks in detention.
  • Jesuit Refugee Services: You can join a Youth Refugee Support team.
  • American Friends Service Committee: Learn how your congregation can offer sanctuary.
  • American Methodist Church: You can advocate for the comprehensive reform of the US immigration system.
  • Presbyterian Church USA: Join the Mid Counsel Work Group on Immigration.
  • WMO International Ministries—American Baptist Church: Join the White Cross Project.
  • Muslims for Progressive Values: Donate through the Muslim Legal Funds for Immigration.

Each site offers ideas for service, conversations to join, and ways to donate both time and talents. Each is informative. Most include true stories about immigrant experience. The more you read, the more you’ll be inspired. You’ll want to get involved; you’ll want to ask others to join you!