March 2024: Sound System Updates

Two weeks ago, we had the professionals at New England Mobile Audio in our Sanctuary to work on our Sound System and Livestream. New England Mobile Audio is the company we’ve hired and worked with over the last several years to install and maintain our sound system needs. They were also the ones who installed our livestream system in 2020, to give us an alternative way to watch the worship online because of the pandemic.

We called them recently to seek their advice and make several tweaks to our set-up. Unfortunately, parts needed to be ordered before we could make the adjustments. Tomorrow morning, I am excited to have them come back to complete the following improvements for our livestream:

The installation of two additional mics towards the back of the choir, to increase of the volume of their already powerful voices.

  • Eliminate a hissing noise found exclusively on our livestream video.
  • Install a program to adjust the volume levels solely on the livestream, including Pastor’s Mic and all of the musicians’ instruments. I hope you take the opportunity to watch our livestream on YouTube when you can’t make it in person. It’s not perfect, but we’ve made it much more enjoyable to watch compared to what it was in 2020 when first we began this project. The sound tech from NEMA watched an example of our online Worship Service, and he told me that our livestream looks and sounds much better than his church’s livestream!

If you don’t have time to watch the full Sunday service, you can still enjoy parts of our service in shorter forms.

Every Monday, the Gospel Reading and Sermon is uploaded to YouTube & to our Podcast. You can find the direct link for our YouTube channel here:

Our Podcast is easy to find! Simply search “Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church” into your podcast app of choice, and you’ll find our podcast with our famous logo on the cover.

I’m always open to suggestions about how to help you stay better connected to Holy Trinity, whether that is with our livestream, our sound system, or any other aspect of communications.