January 2019: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from Pastor Msungu

(Church Office note: This is an unedited version of an email we received on 1/1/2019 from Rev. Livingstone Msungu at our sister congregation in Isimani. Please excuse any errors in spelling and grammar.)

Greetings to all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I am so excited to wish you all Marry Chrismass's and happy new year , I have a reason to congratulate you for reaching another year 2019, and I glorify to the Lord who protected you and guide for the whole last year. And I,m shourted Hallelluyah and in fact its God alone who worthy our praise and Glory.

Back for our side all thing are gone well with my family and community as well, and he thanks God for his un ended faithfulness and grace to our live even to the gift of life, and for his Grace he enable us to see the new year 2019, and for sure we have seen the hand of our Lord in the last year, Many many good thing we have witnessed in our live God has done.

we thank God who has blessed you, and you have become a blessing to us, for all that you have done and will continue to done in our lives, May the Lord bless you all, and God will repay you according to His word Psalm 41:1-2, and Proverbs 19:17.

To the last year I receiving Tsh. 23,700,000/= as school fee and hostel fee to our Students, Also for the same year I receiving the funds to electrify the Girls and Boys hostel 2,500 USD and after complited this project our students have more benefit greatly and we have more changes for their studies and exams as well and all this were happen due to have the lights. Also you helped us to get a new Piki piki in Swahili (motorcycle) .

Also in this year we will be receiving funds on 10/12/2018, Tsh.23,670,000/= For our Student, Thank you for all, and I promise that these funds will be used as intended, and after low I will reported to you for what have going on how the money was spent. And God's blessing be upon you all the time.

and the last thing for today, i take this opportunity to welcome you to Tanzania, I look forward to the great joy of this year when you visit us, I will be very happy to hear that, i remember your happy faces and you’re heart full Love.

We are in our daily prayers

On behalf of Isimani Community

Rev: Livingstone Msungu