September 2019: A Special Thanks & Celebration in Isimani

(Editor's note: This is an unedited version of an email recently received from Rev. Livingstone Msungu at our sister congregation in Isimani. Please excuse any errors in spelling and grammar.)

Hello my Brother in Christ,

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I pray that you, youre family, and community as well are doing fine. Back for our side also were doing fine and progressing well.

I would like to present to you and your community my special thanks for all thing that you did to us, Thank you for your prayers in my family, Community as well as my ministry and for sure I saw many grace in my life, Family and community as well, God he did, and he protect us daily.

Thank you for your support to all un countable thing that you did, Thank you for your electrification funds to our hostel and this project was completed since last week, and I can send the photo to you, very sorry I,m so late to send the photo its problem of network, The student we are so happy to get the electrilicity, I,m sure that even the performance in their studies were changed.

Also we are happy because for all student we are in one uniform as what you have told me, all student we are in one pair of truck suit. We are celebrating this holly days with my wife Sporah but she arrived in this morning to Mbeya for her schooling, please continue to pray for her so that she can afford in her goal, Also we are continuing to the renovation of our church as you can see in the photo. Thank you for all and may God Bless you

Peace to you, your family and to the whole community. Rev. Livingstone Msungu Isimani Parish