Time & Talent 2019

Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received. 1 Peter 4:10

We have each received a gift to serve from God’s abundant Grace. Do you know where your gift fits in service to the Lord? Do you wonder how God asks you to serve at Holy Trinity? God wants you to serve in an area that gives you great joy. He doesn’t want you to begrudge serving. Do you know where your deepest joy is in serving? The answer to these questions lays in the discovery of your own spiritual gifts.

Here at Holy Trinity, it takes a huge part of our congregation to fulfill the mission of service to ourselves and to the world. Each person is uniquely gifted by God for ministry when we understand that we need to use those gifts to serve to build up the body of Christ. Some of the tasks at Holy Trinity seem mundane, but all who serve can be part of a vital mission here and abroad.

In the coming weeks we will be conducting our Time and Talent campaign. This year it will be done slightly differently, but we believe that our past drives have given a glimpse of the desired outcome.

In the book Wishful Thinking by Frederick Buechner, the author writes, “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” We each have special gifts from God and when we find and apply them, we will find the deepest joy.

We hope your service is our deepest joy.