July 2023: An unusual summer for the Property Team

It has been an unusual spring and summer period for the Property Team. Normally, our outside work would have slowed down quite a bit by July, but that has not been the case this year. The ongoing wet year has kept things growing vigorously and has presented a challenge to keep up with our normal grounds work. This year our numbers and capabilities have been reduced due to physical impairments and other matters, but we have been blessed with support from summer volunteers. I especially want to thank Scott Carson who has generously given up many hours of his summer vacation from his teaching position to help us out in this busy period. Martha was a teacher for many years, so I know just how precious this summer vacation time is for a teacher. Thank you Scott! You are the best!

I recently invited the Newington Fire Department to come in to review the various fire and emergency doors in our building. The review went well and I have better insight into the door requirements. The Fire Department suggested we keep one of our normally open interior doors near the kitchen closed except for normal passage. We will add appropriate signage and, perhaps, a closer on this door to encourage compliance. There is another interior door into the basement that should also have a door closer. We will add these tasks to our work list. I recently had a contractor in to complete some repairs to two exterior emergency exit doors, and I also changed the lock hardware on a third emergency exit door to bring the doors into code compliance. The fire department also pointed out that some combustible materials stored in the back emergency stairway from the second floor should be removed. The Property Team will take care of this as well.

I am continuing to solicit bids for some work I discussed at the congregational meeting in June. I have bids for the steeple painting and for staining of the exterior wood around the main entry and sanctuary. I am in the process seeking a contractor to replace the ceiling fan in the sanctuary. I am hopeful that the steeple work, staining work, and fan replacement work can be completed this summer or early fall. The fan replacement project is a small job, but relatively complex due to its location, and I am seeing limited interest so far from contractors, particularly those who deal mostly with residential work.

I have retained Portsmouth Sign Company to complete the first periodic inspection of our new highway sign. This is a routine inspection recommended by the manufacturer and is scheduled for July 25. I anticipate completing two such routine inspections each year. The inspections will focus on any water intrusion issues, failed bulbs, and component degradation. This work requires a boom truck and specific knowledge of sign component details, so it is not suitable work for property team volunteers.

Dave Mercer, Property team Leader (pro tempore)