October 2022: Property matters are an ongoing challenge!

Where to start? I have no central theme for the report this time, just some updates on this and that.

Parking lot and driveway maintenance work started on October 10, but the schedule has changed due to the weather. Cleaning of vegetation from cracks and around the perimeter has been completed as scheduled, but sealing of the cracks could not be done on October 11 as planned because of rain. Crack sealing was completed on October 12, but the remaining major surface sealing and line painting has been rescheduled to the week of October 17, again, due to weather considerations. As of this writing, the surface sealing will be done on Tuesday, October 18. The lot and driveways will be closed to vehicle traffic and parking October 18-October 20. This estimated schedule is subject to change if weather dictates.

I previously reported on an operational problem with the skylight windows in the ceiling of the sanctuary. My discussions with the manufacturer and some local window service companies did not identify any solutions. The general consensus seems to be that the windows are old and, perhaps, at the end of their useful life. The windows are functional as permanent skylights (closed and not leaking), so I have decided to unplug the power supply for the windows to eliminate any possibility that the windows might open inadvertently or in a spurious manner. In the event we encounter any leakage, we can plug in the power supply temporarily and cycle the windows open and closed to, hopefully, resolve any leaks.

On occasion, someone will ask me why the light on the ceiling fan in the sanctuary always seems to be on. The answer? It is always on, because the light no longer responds to the remote control unit. It has not been a high priority problem on my to-do list. Some research indicates that the remote units do malfunction with age. Another possibility could be a problem with the electronic controls in the fan unit itself. I plan to buy a replacement remote control and see if that will solve the problem. Another workable solution may be to wait for the bulb to fail. We do not really need the light. Yes, I know. The bulb is consuming energy for no good reason.

This summer, the Newington Fire Department completed a routine annual inspection of our facility and identified several deficiencies, the most significant of which involve operational issues with a couple of our emergency exit doors. I believe the problems have been resolved, and I am hopeful that the Fire Department will be satisfied when they return for a follow-up inspection later this month.

I'll close this report with a reminder to the congregation regarding the precarious nature of ongoing property team work that depends so heavily on volunteers. Nearly all of our property volunteers have gained experience over the years (gotten older) and the ongoing demands for our time are increasingly challenging. I can recall when we routinely had a dozen or more volunteers available on any given Thursday morning to tackle things that needed done. These days, it is not unusual to have half that number ... some days less. Some weeks even the basic minimums do not get done. Certainly, not all our work gets done on Thursday mornings, and we still have some very reliable, skilled and helpful volunteers doing important work as their schedule permits, but, overall, we operate largely in a reaction mode, taking on issues that find us in the course of time as our facility ages. Perhaps I should say the "curse of time" if I can be allowed to take liberties with Robert Pollok's famous poem. I think my personal skills regarding planning as well as ongoing use and recruitment of volunteers are at least partially responsible for the current situation. I am hopeful that the next Property Team leader will have the skills, insights, and energy to turn this all around. Perhaps it is time for a new and different approach. What worked well twenty years ago, is probably not appropriate today.

David Mercer, Property Team Leader (Pro Tempore)