February 2024: Our Church's Autobiography

There are a lot of books in the BGLibrary. Our various sections include Autobiography, Christian Life and Service, Novels, International Ministry, Climate Care, and more. Biography/Autobiography covers the stories of dozens of influential people and institutions. If your life is extraordinary, someone—maybe even you yourself—is going to write about you. If you’re part of an organization that’s changing the world, someone’s going to write about it.

Holy Trinity here on the Seacoast is an institution that’s changing lives, and the only book about us was written seventeen years ago. It’s a great book—HTELC: A Look at 50 Years—prepared by a group of members, some still with us and others gone. It tells a great story, but a lot has been happening here over years that your Library Team feels should also be recorded.

We’ve experienced a lot: several different pastors; on-going partnership with Isinani, Tanzania; more trips to Guatemala; sharing with Imanuel Indonesian Congregation; companioning with immigrants; working with Operation Blessing and Crossroads House; and so much more.

Writing a sequel will take a long time and many voices. The Team is committed, and we’re hoping you will be too. We’ll be interviewing and collecting materials throughout this year. And we’re inviting you to help. Our congregation is composed of many voices; a biography about Holy Trinity should be too.

Watch for more news as the project progresses. Contact a Team member if you’d like to help.

Members: Dot Kasik, Pam Shaw, Linda Edwards, Judy Evans, and VJ Strehl.