October 19, 2022: No 1 Ladies Detective Series

Do you know Mma Precious Ramotswe, the famous Botswanan lady detective? Do you know her friend Grace? Have you met the good husband of Zebra Drive? These folks were some of Barbara Galle’s favorite characters. Barbara founded our present HT library, and because of her, we’re fortunate to have a large collection of Alexander McCall Smith novels. Smith is the creator of Mma Ramotswe, and he introduces us to her through his No. 1 Ladies Detective series. We have all 23 books, and the series holds the record for most frequent check-outs. Check one out, read a few pages, and you’ll know why. Those of us who have visited our friends in Tanzania appreciate how beautifully the writing captures the language cadence, the customs, and much of the thinking processes of our Isimani friends.

A few years ago Alexander McCall Smith spoke at the Portsmouth Music Hall in the “Writers on a New England Stage” event where he was asked by an audience member how long it took him to write a book. His answer: “I write one each week.” Besides the Lady Detective books, he’s produced at least six more series, 18 children’s books, and 13 full length academic journals on law, medicine, and bioethics. Oh, and there are a few single novels here and there, and he’s just beginning a series about the French.

One would think, then, that the man stays in front of his word processor 24-hours a day. Not so. Smith holds LLB and PhD degrees from the University of Edinburgh where he taught Medical Law and is now Professor Emeritus. Along the way he chaired the British Medical Journal, co-chaired the United Kingdom Human Genetics Commission, served on the International Bioethics Committee of UNESCO, and helped found several universities throughout Africa.

No wonder Barbara chose Smith as a favorite! If you have yet to read him, start with the No. 1 Ladies Detective (shelves on the sanctuary wall) and then move on to the Sunday Philosophy Club and Corduroy Mansions (circular rack). Enjoy!