October 7: Three New Additions and a Magazine!

Our beautiful little BGLibrary continually adds new titles to its collection. New acquisitions are placed on display near the bright yellow arrow. I’d like to entice you here with quick descriptions of three of the latest.

“The Lessons of History” by Will and Ariel Durant teaches that the most reliable path to understanding our present is to look at the past. History helps us anticipate the future. The Durants describe history not as science but industry, art, and philosophy. As industry, it points toward fact. As art, it seeks order out of chaos. As philosophy, it gives us perspective and understanding.

“Lincoln in the Bardo” by George Saunders is a novel exploring grief, friendship, and American history. “Bardo” is a Buddhist term that describes the place between life and afterlife, and this story follows Lincoln’s ghost as it passes through to the other side.

“A Piece of the World” by Christina Bader Klein is a novel about friendship, passion, and art. Klein’s inspiration is the enigmatic Andrew Wyeth painting “Christina’s World.” Don’t pass these up! Check out any or all of them before someone else gets them.

And while you’re browsing, notice the Gather magazines on the table. The official magazine of the Women of the ELCE, Gather is full of newsy articles, explorations about our faith, suggestions for activities to try, and devotional materials. Borrow a copy—keep it a week—return it for the next reader to enjoy.