March 2019: Lent activities & Adult Forum

The Faith Formation Team has been discussing how we can provide for the needs of our church family. When life becomes challenging, the Lord uplifts us in many ways. Often, he sends people, especially our church family to remind us of His constant love and presence in our lives in spite of difficult circumstances. When we come together as a church to share in the joy of His promises, we are renewed and strengthened, and ready to follow the Lord’s leading through these trials. The Faith Formation Team recognizes that we all need to be continually equipped with God’s word. Life has a way of causing us to forget that Jesus promises to be there for us, providing for our every need. During Lent, we hope you will be able to be renewed by these promises. Please come join in the conversation we are having about how to continue practicing our Christian faith, even when our faith is shaken. This is occurring at the Adult Forum with Mark Edwards and Pastor Krick on March 17th and April 7th, and at the midweek Lenten services with Pastor Krick. For our children and youth, we will have a chance to consider the good news of the Easter story, and how this transforms us as Christians, and how Jesus’ death and resurrection gives us renewed hope and strength to live each day filled with His love, peace and joy.

Pastor Krick will meet with the Confirmation class for dinner and fun activities on Sunday, March 10th. If you have an interest is helping with Vacation Bible School, please speak with Heidi Morrison, our Faith Formation Coordinator. If you are new to Holy Trinity or you’ve been unable to come, please know that you are always welcome to join these programs at any time.

May the peace of the Lord be with you,

Lara Scammon and the Faith Formation Team