July 2020: "To Plant a Garden is to Believe in Tomorrow"

It seems so long since we were all together! Everything seems so different now! The things that we once took for granted maybe we are no longer able to do. For some it may be easy to maneuver down this new path but for others it might be a little more challenging. There are at least 2 constants in these times; we are in this together and CaringConnections is here for you. Sure we might not be able to do home visits like we once did but with creativity we can still 'visit' but maybe in a different way! Maybe it means a phone visitation or a drive by stop and wave! Maybe just a periodic note would brighten your day! Where there is a will, there is a way!

This month the team was able to fulfill a request for meals to be delivered. That was done successfully while being mindful of social distancing and the safety of all involved. Our EPrayer team has received numerous prayer requests. No prayer request is too small! There is such power in prayer! These are just a few ways that CaringConnections is still here serving the needs of our congregation.

If there is some way that we can help you please let us know through email at brighamca.cc@gmail.com! Times are different but we are still here for you!

'To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.' (Audrey Hepburn )