February 2020: Join our team!

Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow this year so that means we are in for an early Spring! I am not sure about you but that makes me think about the things I am looking forward to doing. Gardening! Hiking! Sitting in the yard reading! What about you, what are the things you are looking forward to doing? Joining CaringConnections? We are always looking for members to join the team!

CaringConnections is not a 40 hour a week commitment. It is on a 'as needed' basis like drive someone to church, prepare meals for someone at home, visit a home-bound member, pray for a member that needs prayers, help with college packages, make shawls, write letters/cards or provide health support! It is a great team and all are welcome to join! It will be fun and rewarding while also filling a need!

If you have any questions about the team, would like to join the team or know someone who could benefit from any of these services please feel free to contact Cheryl Brigham at brighamca.cc@gmail.com or leave your contact information with Mark in the office.'