November 2019: What does CaringConnections do?

Hi Everyone...

Have your forgotten what CaringConnections does? Or maybe you weren't sure what the team does. Here is a brief description of the team and individual groups within the team!

CaringConnections is a team set up to serve members and friends of HTLC. The mission of its overall objective is to bring God’s gift of caring to those in the church who require and desire it.

The specific need is requested of the group and the group then performs its responsibility or task in response to the communicated need! The team is always mindful and respectful of the privacy of the member's request.

College Student Packages: This group collects and sends out care packages to higher education students. Currently this team is hard at work putting together College Christmas Care Packages (boxes of goodies and best wishes). They will fill the boxes after the first service on Sunday 12/1.

DrivingDaisies: This group drives members who are unable to drive themselves to church. Currently we have one person that we have been consistently driving to church 2 Sundays a month. Without this team this person would not be able to attend HTLC.

Health Connections: The purpose of this group is to assist members in church on health issues. On the 3rd Sunday of the month, after both services, everyone can have their blood pressure checked by a nurse. This is a great and easy way to check your blood pressure! Everyone is welcome – and encouraged to take advantage of this service. It only takes a few minutes of your day!

Home Communion: This group offers communion to those who might be unable or too ill to attend church. This could be just on a short term basis or long term, if need be.

Mail Communications: This group consists of 5 members who write to shut-ins on various holidays or during periods of illness. They have split up the tasks so 4 team members have each taken on a particular holiday and the 5th person writes when there is illness, surgeries or death in the family.

Prayer E-Tree: This is a group of 34 people who are ready to pray for anyone who need prayers. When there is a prayer request an email is sent to the members on the prayer tree email group. We recognize and support the power in prayer!

Meals to those at Home/Recovering: This group makes and delivers meals to members who have a need whether due to an illness or being shut-in. There might be a request for meals for a day or 2 or it could be an ongoing long term need. Currently the team has set up meal delivery, into January 2020, for a request that was received.

Shawl Ministry: This team crochets or knits shawls to share with church family members or friends to bring warmth, comfort and peace. In October there were 13 shawls on hand at the church. A request for prayer shawls was brought to the congregation. Within a few short weeks and with the help of HTLC knitters and crocheters, that number is now up to 20! The shawls can be found on a shelf in the library area and are available to anyone.

Visitations: This team provides monthly visits to HTLC home-bound members. This very important service provides the member with the personal and spiritual connection that they might otherwise be missing!

If you have any questions about the team, would like to join the team or know someone who could benefit from any of these services please feel free to contact Cheryl Brigham at or leave your contact information with Mark in the office. Also please be sure to check out our blog on the church website!